Our Story
Hello and welcome to Novel North. An online independent bookshop curated around adventure and the great outdoors.
The idea for Novel North came about one blustery afternoon. Browsing through some old family albums, many of the photos were of my brother, sister and I standing atop a windswept hill, charging through the woods, or paddling in the sea in the pouring rain. I couldn’t help smiling to myself. No matter the weather, we were always outdoors, exploring.
And this curiosity to explore was fuelled by, and still very much is, a love of reading about adventures - from Enid Blyton’s Famous Five series, the Rupert the Bear annuals, Tintin stories, The Chronicles of Narnia and so many others as child, to adulthood now - setting sail on container ships, traversing through the Cairngorms, diving with whales deep the ocean!
Wondrous adventures await us between the pages and so many of them inspire us to have our own. Reading and adventuring are intertwined. Books ignite our imaginations, challenging us to broaden our horizons and experience the world in new and exciting ways.
So take your time to browse Novel North’s specially curated shelves and here’s to you finding your next great read and next great adventure!
Lorna x